ED 254: History, Philosophy, and Foundations of Education

Class Program
Credits 2.0

A study of historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations of education. Special emphasis will be placed on ways of addressing the challenges posed by the cultural diversity in American schools. Candidates study the historical development of American Education, the function of various philosophical perspectives in education, the roles of diversity/ exceptionality and socioeconomic status in education and equity. In addition to gaining a working understanding of the branches of philosophy, candidates survey Realism, Idealism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, and Postmodernism. Candidates develop skills in applying philosophy to curriculum and instructional practice. Candidates also develop knowledge of varying diversities and exceptionalities and how to organize accommodative classroom environments. North American Division (NAD) curriculum resources/ Adventist Learning Community (ALC) modules will be incorporated in this course. NOTE: Required field experience hours: 12 hours classroom observation and participation. 
