Course Numbers and Prefixes

Courses of instruction are classified as remedial, lower division, and upper division. Remedial courses, numbered 090 through 099 (not counted for graduation credits), may be required of certain students. Lower division courses are numbered 100 through 299; upper division courses are numbered 300 through 499; graduate courses are numbered 500-699. Students should take each level in turn to avoid scheduling problems. Courses with (W) are designated writing courses. Code to course abbreviations are:

AC Accounting IN Interdisciplinary Studies
AE Adult Education IS Management Info. Systems
AH Allied Health (Health & Human Sciences) IT Information Technology
AR Art


BA Management LD Leadership
BI Biological Sciences MA Mathematics
BJ Broadcast Journalism MU Music
CD Child Development ND Nutrition and Dietetics
CH Chemistry OM Organizational Management 
CM Computer Science OU (Not discipline specific)
CO Communications PE Health & Physical Education 
EC Economics PH Physics 
ED Education PL  Pre-Law
EG Engineering PS Political Science
EL English (Second Language) PY Psychology 
EM Emergency Management RB Biblical Studies 
EN English RG Religious Education 
EP Entrepreneurship RL Biblical Languages 
FL Foreign Language RP Practical Studies
FN Finance RT Theological and Religious Studies
FR French SO Sociology
FS Family Studies SP Spanish
FT Film/Television Production SW Social Work
GE Geography TB Theology Bible
HC Health Care Administration TL Theology Language
HI History TM Theology Ministry