Co-Curricular Activities Participation

There are over 30 recognized student clubs and organizations on campus. Student groups unite around an interest or activity. They create and facilitate programs, speakers, concerts, trips, etc., that educate their members and the campus community about various cultures, lifestyles, art forms, and perspectives.

Students who are involved with student clubs or organizations enrich their Oakwood experience by increasing their opportunities for meeting new people, by discovering an untapped interest or passion, by enhancing their educational experience through applying knowledge in new or unexpected places, and by contributing to the Oakwood, Huntsville, and global communities. Students holding office in any organization must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. Members on academic probation may be limited in the degree to which they may participate in the activities of their organizations and/or intramural sports.

Membership in the academic departmental clubs, including Varsity Athletics, is a distinct honor and will be based on academic performance. A student must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 to participate in academic clubs and Varsity Athletic activities and a GPA of 2.50 to hold office.