Christian Commitment

Sabbath Observation: The Seventh-day Sabbath is observed at Oakwood University from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Students are expected to treat these sacred hours with reverence. 

Church and Sabbath School: Each Sabbath, the Oakwood University Seventh-day Adventist Church offers formal opportunity for worship and spiritual renewal. The Sabbath School program provides numerous settings campus-wide for formal and informal group Bible study, prayer, music, and discussion.

Chapel Experience: The chapel experience at OU includes Thursday assembly and other events that offer weekly opportunities for the entire campus to gather for worship, academic reflection and discussion. These events are important to the spiritual and social unity of the University family.  

Worships: Providing programs conducive to academic and spiritual development at Oakwood University is a part of our walk with God. To preserve this distinctive objective, and to develop a habit of worship, selected attendance at a variety of worship events is required for students living in the residence halls. Morning prayer services, small groups, and evening worships are available every day to give students several opportunities to meet the requirement.

Campus Ministries: Campus Ministries is an organization on campus, led by the Campus Chaplain’s and student leaders, that promotes religious understanding and activity on and off campus. Typical activities include Friday evening programs, a variety of worship opportunities throughout the week, small groups, prayer meetings, opportunities to socialize in a Christian context, and community service projects.

Small groups: The office of Spiritual Life & Mission (OSLM) encourages spiritual growth in small groups and is vital to the religious life of Oakwood University. Many groups meet weekly on campus for encouragement and spiritual development.

Prayer Ministries: Office of Spiritual Life & Mission (Chaplain's Office), provides a variety of opportunities for times of singing, praying, and spiritual support.