Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering


This is a five-year program in collaboration with the University of Alabama in Huntsville where the student spends three years at Oakwood and two years at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. After successful completion of all requirements, the University of Alabama in Huntsville will grant the degree of B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Oakwood will grant the degree of B.S. in Chemistry. 

Students who complete the B.S. in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering program will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate Christian values through service
  2. Integrate best practices in the Biochemical Sciences
  3. Construct laboratory reports using standard scientific writing protocols
  4. Evaluate fundamental concepts and applications in chemical sciences necessary for graduate/professional schools and discipline-related career
  5. Formulate chemistry laboratory protocols that are transferable to solving chemical engineering design problems

UAH Requirements

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Required General Education Selections

(no grade below C) 

Science and Mathematics:

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

(MA 121-122 may be required before MA 171) 

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours