Broadcast Journalism


BJ 232: Writing Non-fiction for Electronic Media

Credits 3
Principles and techniques for script writing for non-fiction radio and TV productions are explored. Besides simulated exercises, students also write a final documentary script targeting a community-based organization. (Previously CO 232).

BJ 315: Media Literacy

Credits 3
Media plays an important tole in our lives today. This course provides a critical understanding of the nature and various approaches on how information is conveyed through the media. The course provides an opportunity for students to think critically, analyze, interpret, deconstruct, create, and evaluate media content from articles, photographs, video images, and the internet. Students will discuss media literacy philosophies and its’ impact or challenge the Christian worldview through these various contents. The students will have the opportunity to create at least one media message for critical in-class discussion.

BJ 342: Radio and TV Broadcasting

Credits 3
This is a course designed to help the student acquire the skills that lead to competent performance as a media announcer. Study is given to the speech techniques that are required in preparation, announcing, and narration of various types of material.

BJ 345: Fundamentals of News Production

Credits 3
Students will learn the basics of producing content for news production. The content covers the basic knowledge and production skills including interviewing, news writing, reporting, editing and approaches used in collecting information. The focus will be on television news but the techniques are applicable to all digital platforms.

BJ 362: Advanced News Production

Credits 3
This course is designed to provide students with theory and organization of newscasts. Students will write, shoot, report, produce, anchor and edit news stories while rotating through different jobs, in the newsroom and studio operations. Students will produce several newscasts during the semester along with a weekly news program for internet broadcast. Editorial decision-making and production management will be emphasized.

BJ 375: Investigative Journalism

Credits 3
The course offers the student an opportunity to research, investigate, write and report a story that has not been fully made aware to the public. Students get the opportunity to utilize the elements of journalism, ethics, laws, and techniques. The course provides an opportunity for students to develop the skills needed to investigate public concern, organizations, injustices, and government. This course focuses on longer-term journalistic documentaries for broadcast. Students also write a final documentary script targeted for use by students enrolled in BJ 380 News Magazine Program as part of their productions.

BJ 380: News Magazine Program

Credits 3
Students will have the opportunity to develop and produce several news magazine stories over the course of the semester. Emphasis will be placed on the production of completing the 20-30 minute documentary script, reporting, and storytelling. Students get the opportunity to reinforce their skills to produce a journalistic video narrative. Lab fees required.

BJ 410: Broadcast Advertising

Credits 3
In addition to acquiring an overview of how the advertising, broadcasting and media-buying industries work in a synergic environment, students learn to write and produce effective commercials for radio, TV, and the Internet. They also explore sales and marketing aspects of the broadcast advertising industry. Each student simulates an advertising campaign which includes at least three commercials/PSAs. Laboratory and lab fee are required. (Previously CO 410)