Advanced Placement Courses

High School students who take Advanced Placement (AP) courses and the accompanying College Entrance Examination Board AP tests are given credit toward graduation for the examinations listed below if the required score is earned. Credit will be recorded without grades and will not be included in the calculation of the grade point average. Students interested in obtaining AP credit must forward an official score report to the Registrar’s Office prior to initial enrollment. AP courses not listed are subject to review by the appropriate academic department.

AP Examination Score U Course Equivalency-Credit
Art History 3 or above AR 217 (3 hours)
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3 or above* AR 101 (3 hours)
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3 or above* AR 101 (3 hours)
Studio Art: Drawing 3 or above* AR 111 (3 hours)
Biology 4 or 5 BI 101 & BI 102 (8 hours)
Calculus AB 3 MA 211 (3 hours)
Calculus AB 4 or 5 MA 171 (4 hours)
Calculus BC 3 MA 171 (4 hours)
Calculus BC 4 or 5 MA 171 & MA 172 (8 hours)
Chemistry 4 or 5 CH 141 & CH 142 (8 hours)
English Language & Comp 3 or above EN 111 (3 hours)
English Literature & Comp. 3 or above EN 201 or EN 213 (3 hours)
Foreign Language    
Chinese Lang. & Culture 3 or above Mod. Lang. requirements (6 hours)
French 3 or above FR 101 & FR 102 (6 hours)
Italian Lang. & Culture 3 or above Mod. Lang. requirements (6 hours)
German 3 or above Mod. Lang. requirements (6 hours)
Japanese Lang. & Culture 3 or above Mod. Lang. requirements (6 hours)
Russian Lang. & Culture 3 or above Mod. Lang. requirements (6 hours)
Spanish 3 or above SP 101 & SP 102 (6 hours)
United States History 3 HI 211 (3 hours)
United States History 4 or 5 Hi 211 & HI 212 (6 hours)
World History 3 HI 103 (3 hours)
World History 4 or 5 HI 103 & HI 104 (6 hours)
Music Theory 3 MU 211 (3 hours)
Music Theory 4 or 5 MU 211 & MU 212 (6 hours)
Physics B 3 PH 103 (4 hours)
Physics B 4 or 5 PH 103 & PH 104 (8 hours)
Physics C-Elec. & Magnet. 3 or above PH 121 (4 hours)
Physics C-Mechanics 3 or above PH 122 (4 hours)
Statistics 3 or above MA 221 (3 hours)

*Must include portfolio; portfolio must be approved by Communication Department.