Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Church Leadership


The purpose of the B.S. in Church Leadership degree is to provide theological education for individuals who are 22 years old or older, who have a keen sense of God’s calling on their lives but are unable to attend traditional classes. Students completing this degree can integrate Christ-centered biblical, theological, and evangelistic knowledge, with various leadership or service oriented roles in their local church, their professional lives, or as volunteers in the community. 

Students who complete the requirements for the B.S. in Church Leadership will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Exemplify the character of Christ, as evidenced by compassion, interpersonal skills, ethics, and cultural awareness. 
  2. Apply sound principles of interpretation, from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective, for Christ-centered Bible study
  3. Critically assess various theological and historical perspectives, from a Seventh-day Adventist viewpoint.
  4. Demonstrate skills in basic theories and practices of Christian ministry.
  5. Apply theories of leadership within organizational and church contexts. 
  6. Critique ethical practices in organizations
  7. Critique the practice of a ministerial vocation through the lenses of theology, history, the social sciences and a Christ-centered knowledge of the Bible
  8. Interpret Scripture through the utilization of sound hermeneutical and exegetical principles that are compatible with a Christ-centered Seventh-day Adventist theological perspective

General Education Requirements for all Majors

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Total Degree Requirements includes major hours, elective hours, general education hours for Graduation

Total Hours